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&& state.hits.length) { = true; render(); } }); input.addEventListener('input', async function () { const query = state.query = input.value; if (!query) { state.hits = []; return close(); } const hits = await search(query); Eif (state.query === query) { // ignore non-current query state.hits = hits; state.cursor = -1; = true; render(); } }); input.addEventListener('click', function () { if (! && state.hits.length) { = true; render(); } }); input.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) { Eif (!e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && !e.shiftKey) { if (e.code === 'ArrowDown') moveCursor(1); if (e.code === 'ArrowUp') moveCursor(-1); if (e.code === 'Escape') { close(); input.blur(); } Iif (e.code === 'Enter') { const url = state.hits[state.cursor]?.url; if (url) location.href = url; } } }); form.addEventListener('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); form.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<svg viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="20" height="20" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" class="tsmb-icon-close"><path d="M9 3L3 9M3 3L9 9"/></svg>'); form.querySelector('.tsmb-icon-close').addEventListener('click', function () { input.value = ''; state.hits = []; close(); input.focus(); }); connect(); function close () { if ( { state.cursor = -1; = false; render(); } } function connect () { document.addEventListener('click', onDocClick); if (dataset.slash !== 'false') { document.addEventListener('keydown', onDocSlash); form.classList.add('tsmb-form--slash'); } } function disconnect () { document.removeEventListener('click', onDocClick); document.removeEventListener('keydown', onDocSlash); } function onDocClick (e) { Eif (!form.contains( close(); } function onDocSlash (e) { Eif (e.key === '/' && !/^(INPUT|TEXTAREA)$/.test(document.activeElement?.tagName)) { input.focus(); e.preventDefault(); } } async function search (query) { let lvl0; let hits = cache.get(query); if (hits) { cache.delete(query); cache.set(query, hits); return hits; } searchParams.set('q', query); const resp = await fetch( `${dataset.origin}/collections/${dataset.collection}/documents/search?` + searchParams, { mode: 'cors', credentials: 'omit', method: 'GET' } ); const group = !!; const data = await resp.json(); hits = data?.grouped_hits?.map(ghit => { const hit = ghit.hits[0]; return { lvl0: group && lvl0 !== hit.document.hierarchy.lvl0 && (lvl0 = hit.document.hierarchy.lvl0), title: [!group && hit.document.hierarchy.lvl0, hit.document.hierarchy.lvl1, hit.document.hierarchy.lvl2, hit.document.hierarchy.lvl3, hit.document.hierarchy.lvl4, hit.document.hierarchy.lvl5].filter(lvl => !!lvl).join(' › ') || hit.document.hierarchy.lvl0, url: hit.document.url, content: hit.highlights[0]?.snippet || hit.document.content || '' }; }) || []; cache.set(query, hits); Iif (cache.size > 100) { cache.delete(cache.keys().next().value); } return hits; } function escape (s) { return s.replace(/['"<>&]/g, c => ({ "'": ''', '"': '"', '<': '<', '>': '>', '&': '&' }[c])); } function render () { listbox.hidden = !; form.classList.toggle('tsmb-form--open',; listbox.innerHTML = (, i) => `<div role="option"${i === state.cursor ? ' aria-selected="true"' : ''}>${hit.lvl0 ? `<div class="tsmb-suggestion_group">${hit.lvl0}</div>` : ''}<a href="${hit.url}" tabindex="-1"><div class="tsmb-suggestion_title">${hit.title}</div><div class="tsmb-suggestion_content">${hit.content}</div></a></div>`).join('') || `<div class="tsmb-empty">${noResults.replace('{}', escape(state.query))}</div>`) + (dataset.foot ? '<a href="" class="tsmb-foot" title="Search by Typesense"></a>' : ''); } function moveCursor (offset) { state.cursor += offset; if (state.cursor >= state.hits.length) state.cursor = -1; if (state.cursor < -1) state.cursor = state.hits.length - 1; render(); } return { form, connect, disconnect }; }; window.customElements.define('typesense-minibar', class extends HTMLElement { connectedCallback () { const form = this.querySelector('form'); Eif (form && this.dataset.origin) tsminibar(form, this.dataset); } }); document.querySelectorAll('.tsmb-form[data-origin]').forEach(form => tsminibar(form)); |